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Wife is Not Divorced

4.6 (31 reviews)
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Setelah berdandan sebagai bajingan terkenal, untuk menghindari akhir yang tragis, Tang Li dengan berani pergi menemui pasangan pertunangannya.
Melihat Direktur Chu yang anggun dan cantik, dia merasa mendapat untung.
Chu Chisi duduk di sofa, sebagian besar tubuhnya tenggelam dalam kegelapan, tangannya yang ramping berada di dahinya, dan dia tersenyum malas dan ceroboh.
"Tiga bab dari kontrak pernikahan, aku tidak akan mencintaimu," katanya, "dan kamu bahkan tidak ingin mendapatkan cinta dariku."
Tang Li bersukacita: "Tidak apa-apa, hanya makan makanan."
Kehidupan setelah menikah terasa membosankan dan membosankan, sampai suatu hari anak pengantar itu dihentikan di pintu oleh pengurus rumah tangga. Tang Li sangat marah sehingga dia "melarikan diri dari rumah" dan pergi ke toko ayam goreng. Ketika dia kembali, dia menemukan bahwa segalanya telah berubah——
Anggur merah yang mahal pecah di mana-mana, dan lebih dari selusin layar memantau berbagai area rumah. Mata Chu Chisi merah, dan suaranya serak: "Mengapa kamu ingin pergi?"
Tang Li tercengang: "Apa?"
Chu Chisi datang dengan terhuyung-huyung, memegang ujung jarinya, kegilaan suram melonjak di matanya, dan suaranya bergetar.
Dia berkata, “Jangan pergi.”
#Kasus berdarah karena ayam goreng##Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika istri saya menemukan sesuatu yang salah setelah menikah##Apakah sekarang sudah terlambat untuk bercerai#
Informasi Pengaturan】
1: ABO atipikal, bayangan secara pribadi diatur ke gunung, Alpha tidak memiliki organ
2: Karya masa depan fantasi, ceritanya berlatar dunia alternatif, bukan modern
3: Penggemar profesional 1v1, HE mutlak, keduanya unik satu sama lain

Tag konten: fiksi ilmiah yang kuat, soft spot sweet text
Kata kunci pencarian: Protagonis: Tang Li, Chu Chisi Peran pendukung: Sistem yang mogok setiap hari Lainnya:

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:WND
Judul Asli:老婆就是不离婚
Author:little fat man belly
Weekly Rank:#2911
Monthly Rank:#2825
All Time Rank:#5957
Label:Marriage, Omegaverse, Science fiction, System,
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31 vote(s)

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40 komentar pada “Wife is Not Divorced
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  1. anyone know story where MC transmigrated from futuristic world? Mc got arranged marriage with FL who is ceo of tech company. FL and others thought Mc just a freeloader, but mc invents robots with AI in secret

  2. No entendí bien el final. Dejé de leer esta novela por la universidad y cuando me faltaban los últimos 7 capitulos después de un tiempo, le perdí el hilo. Necesito que alguien me explique, por favor. Y no estoy segura si los últimos capítulos fueron extra u otra historia con los mismos personajes. Aaahh, me encantó tanto el desarrollo de la trama como para quedarme con un final decepcionante (por mi culpa que dejé de leerla un largo tiempo) cómo mínimo me gustaría saber más o menos que sucedió al final. πππ

  3. To summarize it, FL is a genius scientist and the brain of their alliance. She was abducted by the counter alliance, but FL bound her consciousness inside a mirror world that she created herself, so she could be of no use to them. However, inside that simulated world, FL was tortured physically and psychologically, but never once she gave in. So they changed tactics and thought of using her wife(MC) to break down FL's wall. They turned it into a scripted world and created a key character that looks exactly like the MC. People from outside world can play this character and do tasks according to the script with the FL as their main goal. But no matter what these players do, they always fail and end up being killed by the FL. Once they die, the time will reset and another cycle will begin again, exactly like a game. This continued repeatedly but the FL remained unshaken, not until the 33,645th cycle came. Under a false identity, MC successfully managed to infiltrate the enemy's base and enter the mirror world to play as her character in that simulation game. Btw, MC is a high-ranking military officer in the Armed Forces, she's the Major General of their alliance. In the real world, MC has been looking for her wife for more than 3 months already. But since time in the mirror world is faster, FL will feel like it has already been more or less a hundred years. The only difference is, FL is stuck in a time loop so everything just keeps repeating again and again. Actually, I admire FL's dedication and resilience. Because if I were in her shoes, I'll be mentally, emotionally and physically drained and my psychological stability will long since collapse. FL's situation is both depressing and frustrating. But the MC's arrival made the story humorous and sweet(& spicy in the latter part 😌🤭). So it's a perfect balance of drama, romance and comedy, plus a little bit of action.

  4. Just finished it. Best novel I’ve read so far. The second half is much more darker than the first, but at the same time, it has a ton of hilarious content. I couldn’t stop laughing. The romance is really too sweet, and I was always looking forward to their relationship.

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