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Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End

4.1 (28 reviews)
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Lin Anan merambah ke dalam novel lingkaran hiburan ABO dan menjadi umpan meriam ganas dari A lemah tingkat 18. Tidak hanya dia berakhir dengan menyedihkan, tetapi kemampuannya juga lemah seperti Beta.

Lin Anan segera memutuskan untuk melewati protagonis dan menjaga plot tetap rendah sampai akhir.

Namun, saat berpura-pura menjadi Beta untuk mencari nafkah, dia secara tidak sengaja menandai Er Yu Nanxi, seorang wanita ganas dan mabuk yang tersesat dalam cinta.

Memikirkan metode Yu Nanxi, Lin Anan tidak punya pilihan selain melarikan diri.

Saat menghadapi demam Yun Nanxi lagi, Lin Anan, yang hanya ingin mengambil jalan memutar, ternyata memiliki fit pheromone yang sangat tinggi dengan Yun Nanxi.

Untuk menghemat cukup uang untuk melarikan diri sesegera mungkin, dia hanya bisa menggigit peluru dan tetap tinggal, berpura-pura tidak mengenal Yu Nanxi.

Tepat ketika Lin Anan sedang menabung dan bersiap untuk melarikan diri, dia dikenali oleh Yu Nanxi dan diblokir di ruang ganti. Yu Nanxi berkata dengan dingin, "Selama ini, kamu bisa membuatku terlihat baik."

Lin Anan pengecut dan lemah: “Yah, sebenarnya aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, tapi aku bisa menebusnya, sungguh!”

“Mengapa saya tidak mencucinya untuk Anda? Aku akan pergi denganmu, tapi aku tidak punya cukup uang sekarang…”

Sudut mulut Yu Nanxi berkedut: “Ingin mencucinya? Sangat indah!”

Lin Anan: ? ? ?

Setelah menjadi terkenal, Yu Nanxi, aktris yang tidak pernah mengambil adegan intim, baru-baru ini mengambil bagian dalam film Double O Lily dengan adegan ciuman.
Yang mengejutkan adalah tidak hanya ada beberapa adegan ciuman dengan gadis kedua di film ini, tetapi juga banyak adegan yang tak terlukiskan dengan gadis ketiga.
Ketika syuting film resmi dimulai, adegan ciuman Yu Nanxi dan wanita kedua Tang Xin semuanya diambil dengan dislokasi.
Fans bertepuk tangan dan berkata bahwa Ratu Yu Ying masih Ratu Yu Ying, bagaimana bisa dia merekam adegan ciuman.
Di hari kedua, giliran Yu Nanxi yang melakukan adegan ciuman dengan Lin An'an wanita ketiga.
Fans memandang Lin An'an, profil bintang delapan ratus delapan puluh delapan, dan mengabaikannya sama sekali, tetapi melihat Yu Nanxi saling memegang wajah dan menciumnya.
Penggemar: ! ! !
—-Gao Lengying, yang terlihat murni dan arogan di hati, adalah umpan meriam lemah baris kedelapan belas yang mencoba hidup sampai akhir.
—-Sebagian besar isi artikel telah direvisi nanti! !
1. Sebelum Yu Nanxi (menyerang O) tidak membedakan, dia menyukai orang lain, setelah dia berdiferensiasi menjadi O, dia menyukai Lin Anan (menerima A), dengan tubuh ganda, pengaturan pribadi: wanita A tidak memiliki organ liontin, tetapi organ emosional selama periode rentan Kontak dapat membuat orang lain hamil.
2. Penekanan pada penekanan: lihat teks setelah melihat pengaturan copywriting! Ini hanya novel, jangan terlalu serius, baca teksnya dengan serasi, dan tidak perlu diinformasikan tentang meninggalkan teks. Saya berharap setiap imut kecil dapat menemukan teks yang mereka sukai, terima kasih semua.

Tag konten: kontrak cinta, hiburan, teks manis, overhead modern, subjek utama
Kata kunci pencarian: Protagonis: Lin An'an, Yu Nanxi Peran pendukung: Wu Xixi, Chen Mi, Tang Xin, Bai Yunshuang Lainnya:

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:WASJWTLTE
Judul Asli:弱A她只想活到最后
Author:Arie Nanto
Weekly Rank:#4051
Monthly Rank:#3803
All Time Rank:#7008
Label:ABO, Beautiful Female Lead, Childcare, Cold Love Interests, Entertainment, Omegaverse, Pregnancy, Romance, Transmigration, Weak Protagonist, wearing a book,
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28 vote(s)

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16 komentar pada “Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End
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  1. I like it. Although yes, there are parts that frustrated me a lot. Overall, it's a storyline I like. It has enough drama. It has enough action. Oh wait, it does have rescue missions too. In some situations, I understand Lin An'an's decision. Low self-esteem? Everyone have it. What I can't stand is when she can't shake herself and stand strong. Like, you're an adult. Make a decision and stick to it. It's not about weak MC. It's more of a weakness of her character, weak mind, heart and will. Whipped over someone you like? Understandable. But mostly the MC is so dependable, which is frustrating. I'm not a star or ever dreamt to be one. But I'd worked in entertainment field too. People there can't be dependable and hugging someone's thigh in every time you need to make decisions. You decided it first. So yes, I completely understand how readers are frustrated by MC's character. Yun Nanxi on the other hand is awesome. A tad to cool, but later on I agreed. Who can trust someone you barely knows? She's got a cool head, and quick thinking. She's not reckless. Lin An'an's always believed she will turn into an Omega, maybe she already developed such mindset. Just... Read it first, I just felt whenever I read her inability to decide by her own (seriously girl you got your own brain!) It's really uncomfortable. The FL on the other hand, maybe because she thought she will be an Alpha, she has that strong mind foundation already. Which I love it. Overall, it's the 'opposite attraction' love story. I recommend if you can handle MC character, people with same character with this MC does exist. It definitely an exercise to your patience. 😁

  2. Sometimes, I can't help but feel that MC and her friend are stupid. There is a clear path in front of them. But no, they have to take more complicated path. It's a poor attempt at generating drama.

  3. Decided to give this a shot. It was pretty enjoyable. Contrary to one of the other comments, the MC (Lin An'an) is not particularly dumb. She's weak, yes. She isn't physically strong and her pheromones as an Alpha are very easily overwhelmed by both other Alphas and the FL's (Yu Nanxi) so she isn't capable of really physically fighting back. She isn't the smartest, but she isn't stupid. An example of this is when MC has to rescue FL. I won't go into too many details to avoid spoiling, but I will say this: instead of trying to fight a group would easily take her down upfront, she bides her time, observes the situation, waits for backup, and quickly takes the opportunity she finds to pull away FL from danger and into a car so they can escape. She isn't stupid enough to blindly go physical despite being weak, she tries her best to remain calm despite her weak body and naturally cowardly nature so she can make use of what little she can to get out of danger. The MC isn't great at scheming and has nothing to give her an inherent advantage like money, status, or raw physical power. The knowledge on the "original plot" can't be used much either bc from the start, it was practically an alternate timeline of the "original plot." She was just an ordinary person trying her best in extraordinary circumstances with only her best friend and her own hard work to rely on. One of the reasons why the FL is so attracted to the MC is BECAUSE she's more like an Omega than an Alpha. FL grew up believing that she would one day become an Alpha, only to find out that she's an Omega. Hence, she's only attracted to women with Omega qualities like her ex, who is an Omega, and the MC, who is a weak Alpha with both looks and a personality that match the stereotypical Omega. Some people probably find it off-putting for an Alpha to bottom for her Omega, but I thought it was quite refreshing. It might be an acquired taste, but I think it was nice to have the MC be an Omega-like Alpha and for the FL to be an Alpha-like Omega. People aren't always like the stereotypes of their gender and sexuality so it stands to reason that the same would be the case with secondary genders. The novel isn't all good though. Some of the important things like digging up information happen "off-screen" so sometimes you'll just get parts that boil down to "oh yeah, btw I actually secretly investigated so and so" without actually showing the process or sometimes even hints of these things. There's also the fact that, if you take away the sweet romance, this novel is actually quite dark. There's a mix of morally gray decisions, dubious or lack of consent, coercion and manipulation, and etc. Overall though, I'd say it was a good read. The main cp's more subtle and ambiguous interactions alongside the sub cp's obvious and over the top cat and mouse dynamic were fun. The MC, though weak, was cute and likeable, sometimes even quite naive. The FL was cold and indifferent and domineering, but had a soft spot for her little "rabbit" wife. (A classic dynamic) Would I recommend this? If you don't mind the dark side of this story, then yes. It's very fun to see the MC being cute while the FL maintaining a calm expression while internally going through a roller coaster of emotions.

  4. I'm on chapter 15+ and I see both Tang Xin and Yu Nanxi relationship looks sus. I hope it's not what I think, can anybody tell me what's their relationship?

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