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There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse

3.6 (12 reviews)
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Perjalanan waktu untuk menjadi janda palsu, dengan roti kecil di sampingnya.

Ipar orang tua itu tidak baik, dan ipar perempuan itu licik, jadi mereka bersama-sama meracuninya sampai mati.

Dong Yue terlahir kembali. Menghadapi situasi yang begitu tragis, dia terlalu malas untuk terlibat dengan binatang buas ini dan ingin membawa pergi Baozi.


Jenderal berlutut untuk menengahi menteri yang bersalah: “Dia dijebak.”

Semua orang menghela nafas: sang jenderal baik hati.

Dong Yuezhi: Dialah yang menjebaknya.

Jenderal lari untuk memenjarakan sang pangeran: “Pangeran tidak akan melakukan apapun yang memberontak.”

Semua orang menghela nafas: Jenderal itu jujur.

Dong Yuezhi: Berlari itu benar, hanya untuk membiarkan pangeran dihukum atas kejahatan tersebut.


Dia adalah satu-satunya yang tulus padanya.

“Yueyue, aku bodoh, aku tidak bisa mengatakan hal-hal yang baik, aku akan melindungimu selama sisa hidupku.”

"Mulut bodoh?" Dengan wajah yang sederhana dan jujur, mulutnya naik turun, membuat orang tidak pernah menoleh, “Jenderal, berhentilah berpura-pura!”

Dia menahan ekspresinya yang sederhana dan jujur, dan matanya dalam dan membara: "Kamu adalah orang yang paling aku cintai!"

[Dia telah membunuh musuh yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dan mencapai pertempuran yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, sampai dia bertemu dengannya, dan setiap gerakannya menyentuh hatinya]

[Dia serbaguna, tidak ada yang tidak bisa dia selesaikan, tapi pria ini telah menjadi permen yang tidak bisa dilepaskan]

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:TRFHLIF
Judul Asli:农家辣娘子有空间
Author:Taozhi Yaoyao
Weekly Rank:#1729
Monthly Rank:#1610
All Time Rank:#3682
Label:Female Protagonist, Magical Space, Medical Knowledge, Transmigration,
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12 vote(s)

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8 komentar pada “There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse
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  1. hey guys can you donate a little bit of your paypal balance for me, because i haven't eaten about 5 minutes ago🗿 (PayPal: @danageratis) yo, friends, thank you very much for those of you who like to share, may God give you abundant sustenance and long life yoo :)

  2. This is another classic tale of a trans migrating women who happen to have a space which is not clearly described by the author further more the MC is a very indecisive women she cannot deal with the evil perperators and helps them again and again due to the virtue of being a doctor her husband is also a stupid person despite being a general he has no such qualities in dealing with other things and the same plot repeats again and again the same evil characters repeat the same story again and she being the same idiot as a doctor helps again and again so all and all the story is the same nothing new if you do like to read these things but if you want to read something new then this is not your cup of tea.

  3. and hello everyone today I not looking for a novel but a movie it is a Movie series who I hope you guys will help me to find it. it happened when the apocalypse coming to the Earth. and it talking about a family traveling by using Recreational vehicle. the family is the husband and the wife and they had two children a girl and boy. and the story happened at America and the movie has made by Hollywood so it's not a British or any other country who made it. and if I remember good in one of the episodes I that husband gets sick really sick, And they receive a guest from another dimension, and it seems that he has supernatural powers, and he offers the mother to come with him to his dimension. But the mother refuses, and because they gave him tea, and he liked the taste, he healing her husband before he go

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