The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else
Lu Shijin bertransmigrasi ke dunia asing dan terikat pada sistem 'Pemimpin Pria Sisi yang Setia'. Sistem mengharuskan dia untuk sepenuh hati memainkan peran sebagai pemeran utama pria, tanpa pamrih mendedikasikan dirinya untuk karakter utama dan untuk memajukan pengembangan plot. Dia hanya akan bisa kembali ke dunia nyata ketika kenikmatan penonton melebihi 100%.
Lu Shijin, yang telah mengumpulkan cukup banyak frustrasi terpendam dalam kehidupan nyata, mencibir.
Apa dunia nyata? Bukankah lebih baik menjadi sedikit genit yang hanya hidup untuk dirinya sendiri?
Jadi, Lu Shijin—
– Membantu pamannya yang jahat dan sampah berebut harta milik keluarga dalam kisah berdarah anjing.
– Menjadi penjahat sekaligus cahaya bulan putih dalam cerita fiksi ilmiah antarbintang.
– Menghabiskan setiap hari menjadi gay dengan idola dalam kisah drama idola yang menginspirasi.
– Menyebabkan raja putri duyung datang ke darat untuk mengejarnya dalam dongeng fiksi ilmiah.
– Menjadi 'umpan meriam' dan melakukan serangan balik dalam kisah tempat kerja modern.
– Mencuri permaisuri terhormat dari kaisar yang sudah memiliki seluruh harem dalam cerita licik istana.
– Menciptakan penebusan dua arah untuk pemeran utama pria dan tiran sekolah yang setia dalam kisah cinta modern.
– Diidamkan sebagai tungku oleh sesepuh jalan tanpa emosi dalam kisah xianxia yang kejam.
– Menjadi pengantin untuk memberikan keberuntungan bagi orang vegetatif dalam kisah bisnis modern.
– Mengandalkan papapa untuk menyelamatkan dunia dalam kisah petualangan yang menegangkan.
Lu Shijin membuang lingkaran suci sucinya dan langsung menjadi OOC. Dia tidak menyangka bahwa penonton akan sangat menyukai kepribadiannya.
Penonton menyaksikan plotnya lepas seperti kuda liar dan menyebar ke mana-mana, senyum mereka berangsur-angsur berubah: Plot ini bagus! Aku menyukainya! Jinjin kita masih anak-anak, jangan biarkan dia pergi!
- Deskripsi dari Novelupdates
Judul Singkat | : | DSMLDFSE |
Judul Asli | : | 深情男配偏爱神展开[快穿] |
Status | : | Completed |
Author | : | 挽轻裳 |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 172 back to reality 2022-03-17 04:15:22 Chapter 171 Ultimate Challenge (End) 2022-03-17 04:15:16 Chapter 170 ultimate challenge 2022-03-17 04:15:15 Chapter 169 ultimate challenge 2022-03-17 04:15:14 Chapter 168 ultimate challenge 2022-03-17 04:15:13
Semua Chapter
Chapter 1 - 173
Review Novel Ini
Alguien conoce una novela donde el protagonista es uke pero es saltador de mundos y en uno de los arcos el le gusta bailar y tiene un gemelo que le gusta el arte y que está con su gong cosa que el gong no tiene memoria peri el gemelo lo engaña con el novio del uke cosa que el uke sabe debido ala trama y aprovecha eso para enamorar asu gong alguien la conoce?
i read a yaoi quick transmigation i remember one arc where our mc is a warcraft beast who is bound to main character like this and he know there is a beast god in the forst so he goes there and yes the bestgod is actually his lover... the plot for this arc is his bounder betrays him for his partner but and many blablabla happens which corrputs the binders blood so the binder goes inside the forest and is helped by beast good our mc thinks his lover helped so he annoys him blabla they take revenge on his enemy and over...... someone every heard of this ??????
Umm, I skipped some arcs that I don't like. Some people said that this novel is pretty boring as the story continue. Well, I little bit agree. For some reasons, it's getting bland. Mc and ml got random character but still in love with each other. Like any other qt novel right? Maybe, if I don't read many good qt novel, this one will be great. Ml character always different in each arc. So I don't understand which is ml true character. The system really hateful, it can helps the host but mostly don't. Mc character's is like a bratty teenager. But he still do what he should do. Author makes many dog blood drama, either story about mc ml or any side character. Sometimes I shake my head, how stupid this plot can be. I know the author must put many energy to make a good story but it's just turn messed up. Well, I still should finish this one coz if i don't, it'll just make my library full of unfinish reading novel. Pretty fine for the plot in each arc. I want to give it 4 stars. But it'll be hateful coz it's pretty good for qt novel if you haven't found any good one for your taste. Okay, for spoiler, the ml turns out someone mc knows, and there is final task that just like any other mission arc for me. Ml is not lord god. Some qt will make ml be the lord god right? This one wasn't. Unfotunately, ml can't remember his journey with mc till final task. And for the ending, wtf did you write here author? You end it like this? Gosh, why many authors really like open ending that isn't proper at all? It's just my opinion, no hate. Peace.
Well just fyi, in each arc always have papapa. Either it's force or for fluff one. So you know that kind relationship right. Either it's fluffy, or just brain disease character with weird plot. Lol, i really look like a hater here. But no, for real, it'll be good story if you hadn't read any good qt novel with romance tag.
Does anyone know of a novel where the Mc is a world hopper and one of the arcs has a showbiz one where the body MC is occupying is a genius song writer but gets villainized because of his 'the show must go on' mentality when his team mate had an accident on stage but the judge was pleased with only the MC and deducted points cause of the accident onstage the team mate who had an accident was the protagonist shou of the world and he was jealous of the OG songwriter MC that's why he ruined the song writer's life??? If anyone knows this pls comment I've been trying to find it since forever
Did you find what the name is?
O nome e o vilão da um tapa no halo do protagonista se nao me engano,
I think it’s this one - the second arc
It's a good one, but it feels more like I'm reading a fanfic in AO3 made by a girl than a real novel... The relationships are always locked in this seme overpower uke, written in such a twisted and boring way that it ends up being neither sexy or sweet, only vulgar. I completely skipped the AOB world because I could see that I would hate it in just the first chapters, but I also had to force myself to read the other worlds until the end because the story became so boring.
why a girl specified?