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The City of Terror

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3.7 (15 reviews)
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Bagaimana kamarku menjadi sangat hancur setelah satu malam?

Lantai dan meja tertutup debu, poster baru Zhang Liang Ying yang baru saja dipasang di dinding beberapa hari yang lalu sudah menjadi kuning dan compang-camping. Bahkan wajah cantik Zhang Liang Ying menjadi mengerikan, seolah-olah setan tua menatapnya dengan senyum yang menakutkan.

Dindingnya ditutupi oleh kabut sarang laba-laba dan buah-buahan yang diletakkan di atas meja kopi layu dan membusuk sampai-sampai jamur di atasnya sudah berubah menjadi hitam. Buah-buahan di bawah bahkan tampaknya telah berubah menjadi bubur. Jendela berbingkai aluminium yang baru saja dipasang pemiliknya belum lama ini sekarang ditutupi lapisan abu putih dan gelasnya penuh dengan retakan dan tertutup debu.

Komputer di samping tempat tidurnya juga ditutupi oleh sarang laba-laba dan disertai dengan gelas air kosong dengan cacing layu di dalamnya.

Debu memenuhi udara membuat Wei Xiao Bei tersedak saat dia mencoba bernapas.

Semuanya tampak abu-abu tanpa cahaya, seolah-olah melihat televisi statis.

Setelah hanya satu malam, sepertinya semua yang ada di ruangan itu telah berusia berabad-abad atau bahkan ribuan tahun.

Ibu ... apakah ini mimpi?

Ini pasti mimpi!


Suatu hari, Wei Xiao Bei diseret ke The Dust World, sebuah dunia pasca-apokaliptik yang diperintah oleh monster dari mitos, legenda, permainan, dll. Dia juga mendapatkan kekuatan untuk melakukan perjalanan antara itu dan dunia nyata, serta kekuatan yang disebut 'Panel Status'. Dengan kekuatan ini, ia memilih untuk memperkuat dirinya untuk menjelajahi misteri luas dan teror dunia lain. Misteri apa yang menantinya? Dan apa itu Dunia Debu.

- Deskripsi dari Novelupdates


Judul Singkat:TCOT
Judul Asli:恐怖都市
Author:Daoist Fierce Tiger
Weekly Rank:#6186
Monthly Rank:#5527
All Time Rank:#4138
Label:Apocalypse, Appearance Changes, Evolution, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Level System, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Poor to Rich, Post-apocalyptic, Racism, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Spear Wielder, Special Abilities, Sword Wielder, Time Skip, Weak to Strong, World Travel,
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13 komentar pada “The City of Terror
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  1. If you're ever in a scenario like this increase your agility, endurance and sturdiness (defense) more than strength. Getting hit is not an if but a when so being able to avoid it more while taking less damage if you can't is king. You don't need much strength to kill, a child can beat an adult to death with a bat to the head without issue if they hit them first.

  2. Also, slash never pierce. Slashing at the joints if you can. Don't relax until your enemy is 100% dead. When you attack is when you're most likely to be hit.

  3. All in all I'd recommend it if you're bored and can turn off a bit of your brain or liked Nightmare's Call. It's not good, but I've read worse. Where I read to (about 600 or so) there wasn't nationalism yet, though it will likely come with the way things were heading. MC starts focusing more on entering the dust world a bit after he trains up his martial arts. MC is always a dumb muscle head, but he stops focusing all his evolution points towards it. **SPOILER REGARDING MC'S CHEAT**: All people that enter have an ability they start with, MC's is the control of evolution points, meaning he chooses what evolves. Others get the points distrubted for them based on their actions. Additional abilities are gained at milestones for an attribute, but even if it does the same thing is weaker than a starter. For example, there's a girl thar can charm monsters to obey her, but even with someone aquiring such an ability by evolving charm it is said it would be weaker than hers (assuming equal charm stat).

  4. Also people enter in different ways, not just by drinking. One person might enter by peeing and another might enter by doing their taxes.

  5. Anyone thinking of making a novel with "average=10" as a stat should instead use median as it will be more accurate. Also, 10 average is weak, not strong like this author says. It includes more lesser values than higher.

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