Pada awal abad ke-21, dua belas reinkarnasi menghancurkan kehampaan dan kembali ke kampung halaman mereka.
Mereka mengkhotbahkan dunia dan membuka kembali ruang reinkarnasi.
“Republik Asia Timur mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan menerapkan sepenuhnya kebijakan pelatihan penyihir selama lima tahun dan simulasi penyihir.”
“Republik Asia Timur telah mengumumkan perubahan baru dalam undang-undang pernikahan, yang membuatnya sah untuk menikahi seseorang yang Anda hubungi setelah memenuhi persyaratan kedewasaan dari ras Anda masing-masing.”
“Republik Asia Timur mengumumkan bahwa Brigade Armor Mobil No. 1 Wilayah Militer China Timur telah dibentuk, dan mecha humanoid khusus “Gundam” secara resmi bergabung dengan kampanye.”
“Selamat dari Inggris atas ini, pahlawan teratas Arturia Pendragon akan mengunjungi Shanghai bulan depan”
“Di ujung timur Jepang, penyalaan mesin ombak gagal, atau cari bantuan energi dari Republik Asia Timur.”
“Retakan luar angkasa telah ditemukan di wilayah Chernobyl, makhluk asing telah menghancurkan wilayah Chernobyl, dan Pasukan Pertahanan Rusia telah memasuki pertempuran.”
Empat tahun setelah dua belas reinkarnator mengubah dunia, Li Ping memasuki medan perangnya sendiri untuk pertama kalinya.
PS: Walaupun pendahuluannya seperti ini… tapi sebenarnya tertulis tentang dua duri + pertarungan mesin + film + rebusan mistis…
- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels
Judul Singkat | : | TCGE |
Judul Asli | : | 遍地大佬的二十一世纪 |
Status | : | Ongoing |
Author | : | Daxiong is not Daxiong |
Genre | : | |
Weekly Rank | : | #9583 |
Monthly Rank | : | #9196 |
All Time Rank | : | #8636 |
Label | : | Bleach, code geass, Gundam, Harem, Nationalism, See edit history |
Chapter Terbaru
~ Seven hundred and ninety-eight, I cheated again 2022-11-14 15:09:39 ~ Seven hundred and ninety-seven Shuangcha Ridge meets 3 demons 2022-10-31 15:10:24 ~ Seven hundred and ninety-six funeral corps, probably 2022-10-31 15:10:20 ~ Seven hundred and ninety-five singularities 1 - Meow Meow Meow? 2022-10-31 15:10:17 ~ Seven hundred and ninety-four singularities f 2022-10-31 15:10:13
Semua Chapter
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 871
Review Novel Ini
Yo, the nationalism in this novel isn't as bad as people have been saying, at least in the first 200 chapters. The main nationalism comes from the whole "lemme introduce marxism and socialism to you dawg, see how amazing it is". There are several small events which smell of "haha China hidden dragon so strong", but in the story and plot so far they have ultimately been very marginal. On the contrary, I've been pleased so far at the author's ability to maintain the pacing. In the second world his harem is expanding too quickly which is unfortunate, but at least his selection has been very good so far.
Over 650+ chapters now and my evaluation hasn't changed. Sure, anytime there's 'kingdom building', the MC/author drops a bunch of socialist commentary, but he rushes through it fairly quickly and delivers it more as a condensed explanation of what the MC is doing, rather than a sales pitch to the reader or anything overbearing. The author is maintaining more than enough pace with the plot and everything else that the 'nationalism' aspect is not really a factor, IMO.
Haha, ok after 650 and 700 or so the author goes apeshit with the merged worldview and multiverse worldview. The author is holding on with tooth and nail to the rollercoaster, barely holding things together as of 850+. I have to say that even the threshold of "holding it together" in this context is fairly impressive enough. Plot and direction or not, at least the author's dialogue and even narration is quite on point and good enough to keep from getting bored or losing track. I'll have to come back and revisit this after the author hits chapter 1100 or so.
I can see where this going to go..........................“In the far east of Japan, the ignition of the wave engine failed, or seek energy assistance from the East Asian Republic.”
In every chinese novels, Japan always failed at best or being massacred at worst, to the point it made me pity them. Let's pray 🙏 for Japanese well being and condemn those chinese (or to be precise CCP) for their atrocity, amen!
So your saying that because of literature these Authors have wrote. The actions Japan has done in the past is now nothing because this writing is just so bad that the Chinese should be the one who are getting condemned. So Oblivious
Technically it's more like it's been so *long* in real life *time* that anything Japan did no longer really matters in the modern era. Unless you want to start persecuting children for what their great grandparents did? Oh, you sound very Chinese.
Stop accusing people of Being Nationalist Chinese, I’m not even Chinese but I’m sure that if I lost almost 10 million people from my country I would be angry. Search up Kanto Massacre.
idiot, the hate about japanese become a weapon propagand of ccp, try to ask about other south east asian countries that japanese occupied during ww2 if they still hate japan...
whats worse is these cn novel tried to demonize every countries that on bad terms with them like the one when australia question the wuhan virus, almost every urban fantasy novel, australia were erased from the map by alien/beast invasion and there mcs was laughing at their misfortune...
so do not be an idiot thinks that you are on top of us cuz you are so open minded and can relate with there bullshit propaganda...
and please tell me if those bullshit racism, nationalsm makes those cn novel better with there forced brain dead plot development about there hated about countries...
I’m not even Chinese but the Japanese have killed over 10 million Chinese in WWII
I don’t even support the amount of propaganda China has been filling their people with but still 10 million people is a huge amount to lose in just 8 years.
but well, cn authors are writing these for chinese zombies...
Dont get to excited about that. Some countries committed and are still doing it today. What japan did yes it inhumane but dont let the propaganda lead you. What i mean is U.S country of freedom and just and so on killed 1M of Iraq people in less than a decade but no one talke about this and that you see you are still talking about something that Happened almost a century ago while more brutal and inhumane crime are happening now. This is life humanity is built on hierarchy. And hierarchy well you know what that is 1 man rule a million and so on with benefits or with force. By the way iam not Chinese either. China aint angles either just 2 years ago they killed around 30k of ethnic groups because of different religions or something. For those U.S friend i hope you dont get offended to me government and people are different i respect people with free though and wills.
I said to much off topic 😂 I was trying to say dont dowels on something so old. China and jappan are best friends in benefits and worst enemies for benefits as well. Dont let other people decide whatever you hait or love other countries. Ccp brain watching method are over powered i hope i can get a copy of that for reference.
How about request some anti-japanese novel? Lately a lot of brainless new novel has been add should add some pure nationalist novel too.
Why was the novel that you suggested not added... Are there rules that I don't know about accepting proposed applications?
Did you do it in discord?