Naikkan dinosaurus di Jurassic World; meningkatkan penjilat dalam krisis biokimia; meningkatkan Autobots di Transformers; meningkatkan setengah orc di Warcraft; beternak monyet batu di Journey to the West…
“Tunggu, mengapa Nuwa juga monster?”
Kaki babi mengembara di berbagai dunia, membesarkan monster yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, mengekstraksi bakat mereka, dan akhirnya mengembangkan dirinya menjadi monster super!
- Deskripsi dari MTL
Judul Singkat | : | SSS |
Judul Asli | : | 超级至尊系统 |
Status | : | Completed |
Author | : | shenKey |
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Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 503
Review (64)
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Fart , is this shit dropped?
Who author? He was indeed dropped when he was child on head lol
Yellow monkey this, yellow monkey that. Fvcking chinese people. Even though no one calls them that they're always using it as a derogatory term for their nationality. I think they thought themselves as really yellow monkeys. Lol
Yup. I can justify the first rape. Claire wants to kill him it's better than killing her. It's much worse punishment. Mwahaha
feel like this author also hasn't watched or read any of the things he's talking about
Mere Name of this novel is freaking me out. Maybe later author will write novels titled Super Duper Supreme bla bla bla.. Novel. 😂😂