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Sharing the Dorm with the Enemy from Previous Life

4.4 (7 reviews)
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Satu-satunya hal yang tidak diharapkan oleh Ruan Qingmu adalah bahwa musuh bebuyutannya, pahlawan muda, Qin Yuan akan menjadi orang yang terlibat dalam pertempuran berdarah seperti orang gila dan membantu membunuh musuhnya untuknya.

Begitu dia membuka matanya, Ruan Qingmu dipindahkan ke sekolah hijau yang rimbun. Di depannya ada meja yang penuh dengan buku-buku matematika, fisika, dan kimia. Siswa top sekolah itu kebetulan lewat dengan ekspresi dingin ketika Ruan Qingmu melihat ke luar jendela.

Penampilannya menunjukkan prospeknya yang luar biasa, dengan alis yang tajam dan mata phoenix. Namun, sorot matanya sama seperti kehidupan mereka sebelumnya, seolah-olah seseorang berutang nyawa padanya.

Beberapa hari kemudian, rumor muncul di mana-mana:

Kelas remedial Ruan Qingmu sudah gila. Dia secara terbuka meraih dan merobek seragam sekolah dari rumput sekolah, Qin Yuan!

Ruan Qingmu: Aku berhutang sedikit padanya dari kehidupanku sebelumnya. Saya hanya ingin memeriksa untuk melihat apakah dia adalah orang yang sama dari kehidupan saya sebelumnya…

Qin Yuan: Apakah kamu berhutang banyak padaku? Lalu bagaimana dengan langsung melunasi hutang sekaligus?

Ruan Qingmu: Tunggu, kau…kau…kau benar-benar tidak mengingatku? Aku pernah menyelamatkanmu sekali, bahkan membantumu menyedot racun!

Qin Yuan: (dengan wajah tanpa ekspresi) Tidak ingat lagi. Bagaimana kalau Anda mendemonstrasikannya sekali lagi?

Dalam mimpi kita tentang kehidupan sebelumnya, Anda dan saya masih muda dan tak terkendali, menjalani kehidupan yang mewah, bebas, dan tak terkendali.

Dalam kehidupan sekarang ini, tahun-tahun telah tenang dan mudah, dan tidak perlu bertarung di Jianghu.

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Judul Singkat:SDWEPL
Judul Asli:前世宿敌和我同寝室
Weekly Rank:#7458
Monthly Rank:#7197
All Time Rank:#7936
Label:Cute Story, Devoted Love Interests, Enemies Become Lovers, First Love, Friendship, Handsome Male Lead, Heartwarming, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Modern Day, Persistent Love Interests, Possessive Characters, Rivalry, Roommates, Slow Romance, Strong Love Interests, Transmigration, Transported to Another World,
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17 komentar pada “Sharing the Dorm with the Enemy from Previous Life
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  1. Its great very but Here are my f problems 1) why is the realization too late at f last chapter so much better possible plot wasted. 2) the plot could be more angst if he did the 1 month promise, yes he left but im sure its not 1 month. 3) why the f is the story more focused on the doctor rather than Fang li and Fu songhua. 4) if they did the realization more earlier and if Ruan Qinmu already distanced himself we could see a more better plot with angst and redemption arc 5) they wasted the f cave scene that could be the realization 6) actually i rly just hated how they give the doctor intimate scenes and the main and side couple none its like if they make a side story its about them instead of the side couple. 7) thats all and f that doctor i cant get over it

  2. Hold on, hold on. Can u please explain a bit more? I was going to read this but now I am a bit confused whether or not to read. Is it bad?😧

  3. can someone help me find yaoi quick wear novels i forgot the title and what arc it was, but in one of the arcs it tells about mc has a system he can't die and always rises no matter how broken his body is when the gong kills him by stabbing, poisoned him to the point of destroying his body. but one time gong stabbed him when their residence was attacked (gong thought that shou would surely rise again) but shou was tired of all that and refused to rise from the dead which made gong very desperate and regret it. I really miss this novel :'(

  4. Im sorry if my grammar is wrong but i guess it's HEROIC DEATH SYSTEM? Because there's an arc that the Ml is the zombie king and he kills the mc but it always revived. Then because of that the Ml is interested in the mc but the ml doesn't like the Mc's meat so he (threatened) asked the mc for help to find Ml food.But then the mc mistankenly thought that the ml would like spicy food, the ml accidentally killed the mc but he instantly regret,it well he almost forgot that the mc can revived. Well i hope it helps.

  5. I remember that in the arc it was themed on the world of mozun and mc was stabbed to death when the protagonist in that arc would save him from ml who was mozun

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