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Only I Can Use Summoning

2.4 (23 reviews)
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Zhang Ze melakukan perjalanan ke dunia paralel, di mana orang mengandalkan domain sihir untuk melawan monster dan menjadi lebih kuat untuk melawan invasi monster di gua ajaib.

Dia memasuki Alam Iblis untuk adik perempuannya Zhang Ze, bernama Luo Sha, tetapi secara tidak sengaja mengaktifkan teknik pemanggilan bakat tingkat SSS terkuat!

Membunuh monster dapat dipanggil, semakin tinggi level pemanggilan, semakin banyak monster yang dapat dipanggil, dan mereka dapat ditingkatkan, itu hanya melawan langit!

Di Alam Iblis, ketika petualang lain membentuk tim yang terdiri dari ratusan atau bahkan ribuan orang untuk menyerang bos, Zhang Ze telah memimpin pasukan monster yang dipanggil untuk menghancurkan mereka sepenuhnya!

Pada kenyataannya, ketika negara-negara masih mengkhawatirkan berurusan dengan monster tingkat tinggi, Zhang Ze memilih ratusan monster tingkat tinggi, mengejutkan seluruh dunia!

“Siapakah Rakshasa itu? Memecahkan rekor manusia yang menjelajahi Alam Iblis sepanjang jalan, ini akan menembus seratus lantai!”

“Kerajaan Xia Besar memiliki Zhang Ze, dan telah menjadi negara terkuat di dunia! Jika orang ini tidak dapat dimenangkan, dia harus disingkirkan!”

“Apa? Zhang Ze seorang diri memilih sepuluh pembangkit tenaga listrik Alam Iblis tingkat lima? Sudah berakhir… Cepat atau lambat, Kerajaan Xia Agung akan mendominasi dunia!”

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:OICUS
Judul Asli:只有我能用召唤术
Author:Listening to the drizzle in the bamboo building
Weekly Rank:#4977
Monthly Rank:#5185
All Time Rank:#4384
Label:Game Elements, Male Protagonist, Monster Tamer, Naive Protagonist, Nationalism, Summoning Magic, Transmigration, Weak to Strong,
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23 vote(s)

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36 komentar pada “Only I Can Use Summoning
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  1. Is this LN worth reading? Sure. Despite what I am about to say I do still think it is worth reading. However do be aware that both the Author and the MC are mentally challenged. Some examples: The MC killed an super boss (Above normal bosses) and makes it is summoned creature. Then he goes around and kills little crappy creatures to fill up the other 9 slots of summons he can summon. Just so you know Bosses re-spawn every hour. He makes up some reason of people attacking the bosses all the time and that that he can't go kill the boss several times to make it his summoned creature. This is crap. The people go and attack to bosses in large groups of people. The MC can just stay in the woods near the boss location and send in his summons to kill the boss off at the same time as these people are attacking it. They would never know it was him. These groups of people don't even really care about what the boss drops. They are just trying to get to the next level and pay someone to kill the boss for them. The MC could easily have a full roster of bosses doing it this way. People go to the Demon Realm via a magic tattoo on the back of their hands and they just have to tap it 3 times. They can only go there after 8pm (this part is stupid because it is always 8pm somewhere in the world) and the MC seems to always come back before 2am. Anyway, the MC sneaks into a neighbors house who is suspicious. MC finds out that he is a major criminal that is wanted by the government/police right now. The guy comes back home in like less than 10 minutes. MC gets trapped under the bed and the guy knows he is there. It happens to be after 8pm so MC teleports to the Demon Realm and the mentally challenged Author and MC figure the ONLY THING IN THE WORLD that he can do to save himself is to farm up some stuff to strengthen himself by a gigantic margin in less than 6 hours because once the MC comes back the MC will be teleported right back under that bed. Neither the Author nor the MC think of going to the 4th level where there are a bunch of government-police/officials and tell them that he has found this major criminal that they are looking for and where he is and what the MC's situation is. On top of this the MC already has a contact inside this group of governing-officials/police (they guy who is now a captain that keeps trying to recruit him). They could just log-out/teleport out and go arrest this guy and then come back in and tell the MC it is safe to come out. NOPE the ONLY way to solve this issue is for this newbie to run into the most dangerous area around and power-level ins some miraculous way to a high level in under 6 hours. Now if that doesn't sound mentally changed than I don't know what is....

  2. I can't delete my post so Ill just add to it here. I no longer think this LN is worth reading. This LN is written by a mentally challenged Author and thus his MC mentally challenged too. One of the mentally challenged things is; This is a world where people are killed all the time. You can only go to the Demon Realm once you turn 18. There is no way around this. MC is in the Demon Realm and some girl comes running out of the woods and says "help he is trying to kill me". A guy with a metal rod (a rod not a sword or dagger) is chasing her. She runs at the MC and jumps on him and grabs onto him. Calls out "brother I did it. Save me." Then she runs away and the system says that she just stole some of his top items. Why did the MC let this girl get that close to him let alone jump on him and grab him all over? If she used a dagger he would be dead. MC then did not turn around and try to stop her from running away. MC fights this guy and they become friendly and figure out what happened that she stole his stuff to and he thought the MC was working with her. This girl has or will do this kind of stuff again and will or has gotten people killed because of this. On top of this she stole his stuff and he just goes "oh well who cares, I almost died several times getting that stufg, but what ever..." Like WTF?!?! Then MC a little while later finds the girl-thief cornered by a new person she just stole from who was really trying to kill her this time. MC steps in and stops them and says that she is just young and it isn't bad enough to kill her for it. WTF!?!? This is a world where criminals are kill people around the MC daily in the Demon Realm because it is to hard to track them down, so they get away with it. On top of this the girl is an adult since you have to be 18 to even get into the Demon Realm. She has done this many times and if she plaid the same trick on others that she plaid on the MC she probably got those other people killed. At this point this LN has now just become to stupid to read. This author is mentally challenged and so is the MC.

  3. drop di chapter 120. chapter2 awal aja yg Baguss. skil sumonya kaya gk ada Guna. malahan d chapter2 80an k atas bahas monster yg d sumon kaya sprti d skip2 aja gitu. hbis itu MC buat Guild yg kaga Jelas klw cma buat kalahkan bos aja gpp. tpi tiba2 kumpul 100pmnah random buat guild acak gitu n mau d perhankan smpai lantai2 brikutx?? trus pasukan summon buat apa klw taklukan Bos lantai Perlu Teman2 Party, Anggota Guild + mau cari Bantua Para Ahli?? ini baru lantai 9??? hbis itu d dunia nyata mc dgn gampang masuk k dlm tim pmerintah cma krna prmintaan gitu doang>??? trus ngapain d chaptr2 awqal sok2 mau solo. Naivnya MC udah buat malas baca.

  4. Mcnya tolol bet jir, authornya sengaja di debuff mcnya, padahal kalau dia bawa semua boss di lantai sebelumnya bakal gampang menang lawan bos lantai selanjutnya tapi karena saking tololnya ampe cjapter 40 masih satu lantai satu bos yg di bunuh dan di panggil, kenapa engk farming boss aja buat jadi mahluk panggilan? Kan tolol namanya

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