Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut
Seluruh orang melintasi perbatasan gunung dan laut.
Memulai gubuk jerami, membangun rumah, bertani, dan beternak hewan eksotis?
Su Mu, yang terlahir kembali, berkata, aku hanya ingin hidup damai dan tenang.
Setiap hari, saya mengajak jalan-jalan hewan aneh berusia seribu tahun, dan hewan raksasa berusia sepuluh ribu tahun berjalan-jalan.
Sesekali pergi memancing beberapa putri duyung dan kembali, hari-hari bebas dan nyaman.
Ketika saya bosan, saya menculik gadis naga dan kembali bermain dengannya.
Hei, saya hanya bermain….!
- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels
Judul Singkat | : | MSFAP |
Judul Asli | : | 全民山海:从一座茅草屋开始 |
Status | : | Completed |
Author | : | Yaomeng son |
Chapter Terbaru
~ End of this testimonial! 2023-01-19 18:05:34 Chapter 662 Pangu, Nuwa (finale) 2023-01-19 18:05:30 Chapter 661 Avenue respawn 3000 times 2023-01-19 18:05:27 Chapter 660 The 1st Demon God Pangu 2023-01-06 18:06:00 Chapter 659 so capable 2023-01-06 18:05:55
Semua Chapter
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 663
Review Novel Ini
it good about 300 chapter. Later it repetitive so it boring. core of later story is only loot and upgrade again and again nothing new in plot.
Underwhelming banget, kirain gua bakal mirip mirip kayak starting off with a small tree house. Awalnya sih rada bagus, banyak yang dikerjain dan banyak hal baru. Tapi lama lama rutinitasnya jadi gak rame sumpah.MC atau cewe MC nemu ancient/secret ruin>MC lawan demon/evil god>easily defeated it>dpt box>dibuka ma cewenya>dpt inheritance hadiah box>dipelajarin sampe jadi lebih OP lagi>dah itu nge loop lagi ke awal. cape gw bacanya, udah 100 chapter isinya gitu doang
Chapters 500+ are broken.
Please fix chapter 500+
the normal progress of any survival theme is that 'everyone needs to stick together to overcome trouble'. as human was never a lone ranger but a species that survive in group. especially in the long run. so it was fine for most novel of this genre that uses survival theme setting uses loner mc at the start, and he later become more involved with others and later establishing his own influence. either as savior, or as researcher, or as family man and so on. in any case, we move on from primitive way of survival to a more civilized society. BUT for this novel, MC is a regressor/rebirth/returner! As someone who survived later period of the game, his mentality should have been forged to be stable enough to accommodate others and join group activities. and in terms of that thing, as a matured returner, mc was suppose to no longer be virgin. and yet his action seems not to portray any of this. even the loner kirito after learning from experience began to accept others in later period. so this mc who return from late stage of the game still have the mentality of newbie?? is he retarded without any progress??
What the heck, around ch 400 and above, some chapters are missing and confusing. Can someone fix it. Thanks