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I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars

4.3 (38 reviews)
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Lu Liran, mantan wakil kapten tim keliling federal pertama, menghilang dalam perang besar, dan hidup dan matinya tidak diketahui.
Terluka parah dalam perang, berlama-lama di nafas terakhirnya dan tidak punya uang, Lu Liran untungnya terikat oleh sistem bertahan hidup.
Di bawah tugas yang dikeluarkan oleh sistem——

Raksasa di tiga puluh derajat di bawah nol, taklukkan Gletser Arlok;
Di tanah Tak Bertuan di bawah angin hitam dan pasir, jelajahi jauh ke dalam oasis di pedalaman Gurun Salba;
Pulau di Langit di bawah langit biru, tantangan bertahan hidup di pulau tak berpenghuni;
Blue Hole di Abyss Tak Berujung, menjelajahi bangkai kapal laut dalam dan kehilangan kota-kota kuno.
Tanah Berlumpur, Hutan Tulang Putih, mengumpulkan spesialisasi Rawa Berhantu;
Penguasa Api, naga raksasa yang mengintai di tanah……

Oleh karena itu, di Desolate Star yang paling membenci tentara federal, seorang pria dengan wajah cacat dan identitas misterius diam-diam muncul di sepuluh wilayah berbahaya tak berpenghuni di Desolate Star. Sebagai imbalan atas hadiah hadiah yang kaya dengan berburu binatang langka dan eksotis yang tidak dapat diburu orang biasa, dan siaran langsung kelangsungan hidup di alam liar, dia juga mulai menyapu seluruh planet dengan cepat.

“Ah, jangkarnya terlihat sangat menakutkan, tidak ada yang berani menikahi Alpha seperti itu tidak peduli seberapa kuat dia!”

“??? Saudara Lu, saya bisa! Menikahlah denganku! Rasa aman berada pada level maksimal, seperti!”

“Jangkar itu benar-benar dewa. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya melihat seseorang di bagian atas daftar tahun ini dari Desolate Star's Most Attractive Alpha + Least Wanted to Marry Alpha pada saat yang sama…”

Selama siaran langsung, hujan deras menghapus bekas luka di wajah Lu Liran.

Seluruh ruang siaran langsung mendidih!!!

“Menikahlah denganku, menikahlah denganku! Kakak, menikahlah denganku!”

Setelah siaran langsung ditutup, pria lain, begitu tampan sehingga orang tanpa sadar menahan napas, muncul. Dia mengelilingi tubuh Lu Liran dan berbisik: "Kamu telah hilang selama bertahun-tahun dengan anakku, kapan kamu akan memberiku nama?"

Lu Liran: “…”

Ya, ini masih cerita kuno tentang O yang berpura-pura menjadi A dan melarikan diri dengan gembira.

Yang Mulia, Komandan Pertama Tentara Federal, tiba-tiba menghilang di era damai pascaperang. Sampai suatu hari, semua orang memperhatikan bahwa dia muncul di ruang siaran langsung, dengan senang hati berpura-pura menjadi liontin berbentuk manusia, dan dengan tidak hati-hati mengganggu pembawa acara laki-laki dengan wajah yang menakutkan.

“Pengumuman resmi, ini adalah istri komandan.” Yang Mulia, Panglima Tertinggi Federasi, mengatakan demikian.

Ruang siaran langsung mendidih lagi!!!

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Judul Singkat:WILD
Judul Asli:我靠荒野求生直播风靡全星际
Weekly Rank:#1883
Monthly Rank:#2391
All Time Rank:#2778
Label:Appearance Changes, Beasts, Disfigurement, Futuristic Setting, Hiding True Identity, Manly Gay Couple, Mpreg, Near-Death Experience, Omegaverse, Power Couple, Protagonist Falls in Love First, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Psychic Powers, Secret Crush, Slow Romance, Survival, Survival Game, System Administrator, Wealthy Characters,
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45 komentar pada “I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars
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  1. Chapter 263 is wrong, it’s a previous early chapter (Arlok Glacier time). Going to chapter 264, it makes it clear that 263 is missing because I have no idea how anything happened nor where people popped out from.

  2. The kind of novel I want is something like this not bl, may have action or adventure but in a limit no need to become the Dao ancestor,SSS-level superpower person, or god king or something like that NO NEED, like this novel just some small adventures no CCP ofc and best if female protagonist because I don't know if the chinese authors have some discrimination but normally female protagonists never becomes gods or something like that… and it's best if it's not long winded like if Mc knows that this certain force is his enemy now Mc is not strong enough so for the whole novel he would just fight them and destroy them in the end it's better to just command "there is no need for xxx to exesist now" I am saying this so ut can be like slice of life + romance like "Invincible uncle grandmaster" he had some adventures but no danger as he was too powerful that's what I want if you have some suggestions please tell me…

  3. I just want to say something, I didnot read the book bec it is bl and ofc didnot rate it just because of that, What I want to say is why is the plot of many bl novels so good, likethis one plot by summary seems exactly what I wanted but it's bl, I know some people may say it dosent matter/just skip the bl part, but for me one of the main reasons for not reading a Novel is no romance I need romance but not bl it would feel even more strange then… and it's not just this novel many novels they had a amazing plot but they were bl…

  4. I have finished reading everything and to be honest the story ended alright but it felt a bit rush. Good Thing it has 20+ chapters of Fanwai so somethings got explained there some was left as a mystery but nonetheless the story is good. Definitely worth reading. I had a lot of memorable reactions reading it 😂.

  5. Apparently some people rated the novel because they didn't see the yaoi tag therefore didn't know it's BL. To the people who plans to read this. Please be reminded that this is BL, Yaoi is the genre of nsfw BL while shounen ai is for the sfw BL and Mpreg means guys can get pregnant here. Read it at ur own risk. Don't rate it that low if you only did because of the Genre. Such a good book was buried because of ignorance. Tsk.

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