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Hermione, Be the Minister of Magic with Me!

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Sebelum Pertempuran Hogwarts, Lockhart membuka halaman judul buku hariannya dan meninjau daftar keinginannya:

Pembaruan Harapan Hidup Gilderoy Lockhart (01.09.1992):

1. Aku akan menjadi Menteri Sihir! 2. Menikahi Hermione! 3. Jadikan Hermione Menteri Sihir!

Setelah menonton, Lockhart mengangkat tongkatnya. "Maaf, Tom kecil, kamu menghalangi jalanku, pergilah ke neraka!",

Lockhart mulai bertanya pada dirinya sendiri – pekerjaan apa yang harus dia lakukan untuk bertahan hidup?

Sepertinya tidak sulit ditebak, jawabannya sudah jelas bukan?

Saya seharusnya menjadi Menteri Sihir!

– Kata kunci: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Lockhart,

Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Kementerian Sihir, Kebangkitan Sihir, Duel, Tombol Ajaib

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:HBMMM
Judul Asli:赫敏,跟我一起当魔法部长吧!
Author:10-cut maniac
Weekly Rank:#7194
Monthly Rank:#6063
All Time Rank:#7901
Label:Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, Student-Teacher Relationship,
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30 vote(s)

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25 komentar pada “Hermione, Be the Minister of Magic with Me!
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  1. The novel isn’t actually pedophilia, the description is entirely inaccurate, there is no romantic interest towards Hermione at all so far, in fact the mc clearly states he’s not interested in students multiple times. Not sure why the description is wrong like that

  2. MTLNovel Home » Hermione, Be the Minister of Magic with Me! HBMMM » Chapter 160: Hermione, Be the Minister of Magic with Me! Chapter 160: « PrevNext » ≡ Table of Contents Settings Harry is worthy of being a handsome dog. The only criterion for picking a girlfriend is \"funny and cute", even when she first met Furong, she already belonged to Qiu Zhangxin, and later expressed her loyalty to Ginny, but a few years later. After seeing Fleur for the first time, he was still in a state of turmoil, and Ron was even more unbearable. It can be imagined from this that Fleur Delacour’s ability to crush all male creatures, even if Gemma is equally arrogant, she must admit that this French woman is an out-and-out strong enemy, and it can even be said that "The Public Enemy of Women" "Gidro is very busy, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay at the ball for too long." Gemma declared her sovereignty with a domineering look, "Hogsmeade is going to hold a lighting party this year, and the general meeting of Sniff Drilling Company's shareholders. It will also be held before the new year... Of course, as a guest, if you want to attend, I will remind the housekeeper to send you an invitation." Seeing her like this, how could Furong not know that the Lord is coming But she ignored Gemma and looked at Lockhart. Lockhart nodded politely, then shook his head in Gemma's direction, indicating that she was telling the truth. "As far as I know, our Ravenclaw prefect, Roger Davis, doesn't have a dance partner yet." He found Fleur down the steps. Furong stopped talking, but left after saying thanks. She is also a very arrogant mixed-race Veela, and she is not willing to bring shame on herself. Although Lockhart is the best prey she can see at the moment, the veela's survival principle is to flee immediately after the "hunting" fails, so as not to be stewed into a pot of black chicken soup by the furious tigresses, so although Furong is frustrated , but it didn't show on the face. Fleur's arrival and Lockhart's refusal are not the end, but a prelude Because of the dance party, in the next few days, there will be an endless stream of women who come to invite Lockhart to be the dance partner. Even if Lockhart has made it clear that "this matter can be closed", there is still no fear of Gemma's threat. The people went on and on, making her very angry. "All of them are Gryffindor girls." The eldest Miss Farley complained impatiently, "Only they go to other people's gardens to pick flowers every day, and don't know how to properly water their own vegetable fields." Lockhart knew that the reason why she said this was completely out of prejudice, because not only Gryffindor, not even Hogwarts, but even girls from other schools had come to Lockhart. After all, he is an internationally renowned wizard! Lockhart thought complacently. "They invited me just to make themselves look good, so don't be too rude Xing. Lockhart advised, "Fengya Wizards' Clothing Store sponsored dresses for the warriors, and we have to get everyone to be keen to go to the ball." " \"But there are obviously a lot of little bulls in heat in the school." Although Gemma was still sarcastic, she did not continue to nag, after all, she also knew the nature of this dance. Although the Big Five Tournament has become a commercial competition under Lockhart's operation, for the five magic schools themselves, this is an authentic large-scale networking event, plus a large-scale joint enrollment promotion event . According to Lockhart's understanding, Dumbledore has even proposed with the principals of several other schools to conduct a "multi-school joint entrance examination", on the premise of mutual recognition of each other's academic qualifications, to carry out the flow of wizard students between senior grades. Although there were only two competitions in the top five competitions, the differences in teaching between schools were gradually revealed. And each has its own strengths. It's embarrassing to say, although Hogwarts is known as the best magic school in the world, except for Transfiguration, which is considered good, there are not many subjects that can be done well. Herbology is stronger than Castroche, alchemy and divination are far inferior to Beauxbatons, black magic is inferior to Durmstrang and Ilvermorny, and even potions and magical biology are only inferior. It can be said to be "characteristic", but not the strongest. Although astronomy is not satisfactory, Hogwarts is undoubtedly inferior to traditional European and South American schools. Dumbledore thought that if some students did have enough talent in a subject, and he himself had to stay in the country of birth to receive a mediocre education because of his nationality, then it would undoubtedly be a crime for them as educators. Several other school spokespersons agreed. The so-called "strength" of a school, in the final analysis, is actually in the professors, that is, the strength of the teachers. A bad school is in a subject because of a good teacher It is very normal to make rapid progress, and a traditionally dominant discipline is very likely to fall from the altar overnight because of a bad professor. Rather than exchanging students, they're sharing professor resources, which is by no means a bad thing for under-stretched wizards. Because of empathy, everyone quickly reached a consensus on the issue of exchange students in academics. It's just that humanities courses such as history of magic and Muggle studies still need to be taught separately, because after all, there are still some differences in ideology. If possible, when a Hogwarts student finishes his fifth year in a few years, he can choose to go to another school to study N.E.W.TsT This Christmas ball is undoubtedly a good opportunity for students from several schools to communicate and learn more about each other. Especially fourth graders and fifth graders, they may be able to enjoy the treatment of studying abroad for the remaining two years immediately. It is also a good thing to say hello to future classmates in advance and get acquainted with each other. Chapter 338 Lupin Returns While everyone knew the communicative significance of the Christmas ball, Lockhart received a lot of indiscriminate bombing over the next few days. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, such as the fact that this incident may affect his political future in the future, Lockhart had to issue a statement saying that he refused the invitation of "children" who were still studying. "The relationship between students and professors is not equal. A child whose mind is still growing can easily have reverence and gratitude for the professor who has given him/her educational behavior, and it is easy to get lost in the halo of idol shaping. , and even some will try to gain a sense of security from the teacher when their parents are far away and leave their hometown. If you let go of the so-called \"love freedom\', then there will definitely be unequal emotional exploitation. This is not love... " On the Muggle side, the legal concept of prohibiting teacher-student love is very mature, and when it comes to the wizard, he needs to re-explain it. The wizarding world lags behind not only science and engineering, but also Muggles in the humanities. This is not something that can be solved in the short term. Lockhart figured that if he became Minister of Magic, he would definitely introduce a bill to encourage graduates of wizarding schools to go to Muggle universities after graduation. The 17-year-old wizard is still a long way from being "usable". distance. Or could he set up a scholarship fund in the name of Sniff Drilling and Extraordinary Pharmacy to donate to Muggle universities? Remember this. Following Lockhart's announcement, the professors at Hogwarts came forward and issued a similar school policy, which also prohibited students from developing romantic relationships with professors. But to be honest, this problem did not exist in the past, because Hogwarts was long Although the long-standing professors have their own charms, it is difficult to get students to fall in love. But this kind of thing can’t be avoided. In addition to Lockhart, if Hogwarts needs to hire younger professors in the future, then similar things will happen sooner or later, and it’s good to issue school rules early. This is directly from Triwizard arc in the novel .. immediately afterwards he tell Sirius black that he doesn't see Hermione as someone whose pursuit he will accept ..

  3. 1. I’m going to be the Minister of Magic! 3. Then make Hermione Minister of Magic! doesn't that mean the MC is Hermione? or even turn into Hermione?

  4. Author deviate too much from lore and to make MC cooler than he is, author is making up things left and right. There are many discrepancies with original book. If you dont care about original works may be you will still enjoy it.

  5. This may shrunk some of pedo little dick. Movie Hermione is Emma Watson, right? So that's mean, any pedo who imagine Emma Watson as Hermione in your fantasy is actually not a pedo. You literally imagine a very sexy adult lady as your fapping fantasy. Not a pedo, you're a non-pedo straight vanilla!! ...... Unless you have fetish of course. Nobody will judge you if you have armpit fetish or poop fetish. 👍

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