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From Soldier To Emperor

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Ini adalah ruang paralel historis yang telah diganggu oleh ras warhammer. Greenskins dan lycanthropes telah menghancurkan negara-negara di Asia Tengah. Datang di Asia Timur yang tak terkalahkan dipertaruhkan di bawah invasi besar-besaran Greenskins. Jidu lokal telah mengambil kesempatan untuk mendukung pasukannya sendiri. !

Para dark elf mendirikan kerajaan Ottoman yang besar di Timur Tengah, para high elf menjadi penguasa Inggris, para kurcaci membawa Eropa utara ke era senjata api lebih cepat dari jadwal, dan meriam kerajaan manusia yang lebih hangat membuat Hegemoni Eropa dari dinasti Habsburg runtuh!

Lizardmen dan ratmen menjadi mimpi buruk bagi penduduk asli Amerika, dan pasukan undead yang dipimpin oleh vampir dan makam berjuang untuk Afrika.

Namun, kulit hijau yang direproduksi secara aseksual tersebar di seluruh dunia, menjadi wabah belalang yang paling menakutkan di bidang paralel ini!

Di simpul dunia legendaris, Chaos Legion membuat persiapan terakhir untuk menyerang dunia ini!

Saat ini, protagonis kami hadir dengan sistem berkuda dan menebas yang dapat diupgrade…

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:FSTE
Judul Asli:从小兵到帝王
Author:Tucao is a blessing
Weekly Rank:#8958
Monthly Rank:#9704
All Time Rank:#7216
Label:Abusive Characters, Anti-social Protagonist, Antihero Protagonist, Apathetic Protagonist, Army Building, Forced Living Arrangements, Forgetful Protagonist, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Military, Parallel Worlds, Psychopaths, Racism, Schemes And Conspiracies, System,
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  1. No me gano todo ese racismo mira quesabia que habria racirmo como rl 97% de las novelas qur leo aca incluso si son isekai siento el racirmo a la gente de otro color pero no lo muestran mucho pero esta novela se paso con matando a sus hombres como carne de cañon y reduciendo a las mujeres y niños a esclavos para luego dar a las mujeres a sus soldados entiendo lo de querrer mezclar la raza pero eso no es diferente a eliminacion etnica claro en un mundo donde solo se salva los fuertes pero que los de asi central no sean diferentes a niños contra adultos chinos que es eso, les recuerdo que segun se china a sido destruidad variaveces por razas extranjeras si y sobrevivieron por que eran demaciados al final asimilaron a los mongoles sin contar que cuando no eran invadidos por fuera se mataban entre ellos de rebelion en rebelion y eso q son de las civilizaciones mas antiguas luego biene la piedad filial al pais donde son criados sobre la bandera roja y deben ser tolerantes con el pueblo pero sera solo sus pueblo por que los demas que se jodan y despues llegan diciendo que los chinos fueron esclavisados y forsados a trabajar hasta la muerte que no digo que no pero no son los unicos que pueblo no han sigo esclavos asi es la historia pero no por ello me quejo de la penurias de mis antepasados y digo que los demas son malvado digo soy latinoamericano y no me quejo del genocidio de los europeos en la colonizacion ni cuando el moviento a ocidente de USA mato muchas tribus de indios en fin mucho racismo para esta histori posdata: mayormente solo leo y no me importa mucho el racismo y entiendo que las personas tienen sentimientos nacionales pero no al punto de representarlo de esta manera

  2. What is with this synopsis...........during the time of Tang dynasty(nearly 600AD - 900AD) the Habsburg dynasty had not even been founded.......even the Holy Roman empire was only founded after the time large parts of Europe and Asia Minor were under Byzantine Empire while the Middle East was under the control of Parthian empire.........the author's knowledge about the situation of that time is very shallow.

  3. Are we having Wumao's in this site too... F*ck they are everywhere.... I don't like US. They had done terrible things in 19 and 20 century... They even bombed middle East in early 21 century... Still since a guy in this comment section mention what if china would be superpower instead of US ... I am 100% sure we would have been fucked by china. China is far worse than US... And some guy is defending china by saying [ china isn't expansionist and west doesn't want to know how 56 ethnic people are living there peacefully]... They have border disputes with all neighbouring countries(maybe 15-17) and they are 90% hans. This is the first time I had seen thaat someone is saying china is diversed country.... And my friend had visited china twice and he said han people thinks themselves as superior race.. I literally lost count the no of times china had abused human rights.They have UN,WHO and such many other organization in their pockets. don't even mention treatment of uyghurs ,taiwanese,hongkongese and tibetans...And this is happening when china isn't a super power yet.... No matter Chinese are racist or not but I am sure CCP are racist and are brainwashing people ... (FYI I have never seen Chinese people respecting other cultures or sometimes even religion they believe their so called "5000 years" Of culture is superior to everyone when infact china is famous for massacres, infighting, betrayal, tortures and strange rituals (like feet bending) throughout the world

  4. Disclaimer this novel is a fictionalised historical-fantasy... This novel is based loosely on history with greatly overexaggerated events such as ethnic group tensions for dramatization/wowfactor, also the protagonist was intentionally written as a coldblooded tyrant… The author doesn’t glorify nor sugar-coat MC's actions/decisions, in fact the author satirizes the MC in the novel quite often... One of the reason reader’s will feel disturbed is because the author intentionally writes in the suffering of the oppressed in detail + their perspective, other novels will just gloss over it to avoid butthurt feelings... I write this disclaimer because some readers actually take this fictional novel seriously… aka snowflakes

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