
Home » Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

4.2 (48 reviews)
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[Bos tingkat penuh yang mahakuasa vs istri yang menyayangi jenderal Wudu Zhenguo]

Kultivator modern Chu Qingzhi turun ke bumi untuk mengalami kesengsaraan cinta, dan dipaksa untuk bersandar pada tubuh seorang gadis petani kuno.

Ada delapan anak dalam keluarga gadis kecil itu, dan dia memiliki total sembilan anak, jadi dia harus memikul beban menghidupi keluarga.

Melatih seni mengendalikan binatang buas, menaklukkan harimau sebagai tunggangan, beruang hitam sebagai kekuatan utama, serigala sebagai penolong, dan monyet sebagai pencari jalan, dan pergi berburu bersama.

Pakai formasi es, buat es krim, dan jual ke mana-mana.

Menanam tumbuhan sebagai pengobatan, meminta diagnosis dan pengobatan, menggosok pil, menarik pangeran dan bangsawan untuk berebut untuknya, dan bahkan kaisar memanggilnya seorang wanita.

Untuk menjadi peri, dia menghidupi keluarganya sambil memulai jalan untuk menemukan suaminya.

Keluarga termiskin di desa, sejak mereka mengambil kembali putri mereka, semua orang berpikir bahwa hidup akan menjadi semakin sulit. Tanpa diduga, setelah beberapa waktu, mereka membangun rumah dan membeli tanah…

Ini bukan putri yang diambil kembali, ini adalah Dewa Kekayaan!

Jenderal Zhenguo, yang bahkan menolak menikahi sang putri, kembali ke kampung halamannya untuk memulihkan diri sebentar, lalu tiba-tiba menikah. Dia menikahi seorang gadis petani kecil.

Sementara semua orang menunggu untuk melihat lelucon itu, pejabat datang mengunjungi satu demi satu.

Ibu suri meraih tangan Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, bagaimana kalau aku mengenalimu sebagai adik perempuanku?"

Kaisar memandang Chu Qingzhi dengan puas, "Nyonya, apakah Anda ingin menjadi pejabat di istana?"

Pangeran Cilik meraih pakaian Chu Qingzhi, "Saudari Qingzhi, saya ingin makan es krim."

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:FWHMS
Judul Asli:农家小福妻有法术
Author:beyond the moon
Weekly Rank:#245
Monthly Rank:#294
All Time Rank:#336
Label:Ancient China, Business Management, Devoted Love Interests, Doctors, Doting Older Siblings, Familial Love, Farming, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Marriage, Medical Knowledge, Military, Poor to Rich, Time Travel,
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61 komentar pada “Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills
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  1. Around the 250 chapter mark the story goes downhill. A guy gets raped who was supposedly a future match for one of mc's sisters and you can tell the author did it just to add more depth to the character. Mc reacts to it blushingly and the author probably thought we were supposed to react like that. No, it was horrific to read. Immediately I skipped to final chapter having given up on the novel and found out mc dies but is then resurrected and no longer has any connection to her family. Like... What's even the point then? The ml? Heh. He's the most idiotic ml I've ever encountered. A previous comment sums it up: he knows she's more powerful than him, but repeatedly gets in the way of her getting hurt out of what seems like foolish ideation of love by the author. No, it is not romantic to throw yourself in harm's way for your partner while knowing your partner can protect themself. It wastes time and is just foolish. Well you say, maybe ml couldn't control himself? Maybe having it happen once would be romantic but this dude does it REPEATEDLY. So in the final chapter when ml is the only person remaining by mc's side, I ask once again: what is the point? If you're gonna have an idiot by your side I'd rather be immortal, thanks. This novel was such a freaking waste of time. It did not know what it wanted to be. It was extremely dark at points but it wasn't handled well. There was no reflection, no introspection, no meaningful mark left over for characters to think back on to improve themselves. It was swept under the rug. What an utter waste of time. Ugh, avoid my friends. It goes downhill quick for no reason.

  2. Thank you for the comment, I will remove this novel from my library collections. I wouldn't want to start reading, after reading your comments.

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