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Defeated By Love

4.9 (25 reviews)
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Bertahun-tahun kemudian, pada malam hujan. Shu Nian bertemu Xie Ruhe lagi.

Pria itu sedang duduk di kursi roda, separuh wajahnya tertutup bayangan dan dia memiliki sepasang mata bunga persik dengan kelopak mata ganda yang dalam. Dia jelas memiliki wajah yang penuh gairah tetapi ekspresinya sedingin es.

Shu Nian memegang payungnya dan memanggilnya dengan ragu, lalu berkata. “Apa kamu tidak membawa payung? Bagaimana dengan saya— ”

Mata Xie Ruhe terkulai, dia tidak selesai mendengarkannya dan langsung menuju hujan ringan.

Beberapa saat kemudian, Shu Nian keluar dari toko roti sambil membawa kantong kertas kraft. Dalam sekejap mata, hujan menjadi deras, menggempur lantai beton.

Xie Ruhe muncul entah dari mana, memegang payung dan berdiri di sampingnya. Melihat dia menatapnya, dia bertanya. “Apakah kamu punya payung?”

Shu Nian mengangguk dan mengeluarkan payung dari tasnya. Saat berikutnya, Xie Ruhe mengulurkan tangannya untuk menutup payungnya dan berkata dengan hampa: "Punyaku rusak."


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Judul Singkat:DBL
Judul Asli:败给喜欢
Author:Zhu Yi
Weekly Rank:#4555
Monthly Rank:#3940
All Time Rank:#6680
Label:Calm Protagonist, Cautious Protagonist, Character Growth, Childhood Friends, Childhood Love, Cold Protagonist, Crime, Disabilities, Doting Love Interests, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Heartwarming, Long Separations, Modern Day, Music, Mysterious Past, Slow Romance, Voice Actors,
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25 vote(s)

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11 komentar pada “Defeated By Love
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  1. This novel is really slow and has a a lot of internal dialog and flashbacks. It's not really energetic at all. It's about two "broken" people getting together. MC has anxiety and is pushing herself to move out of her comfort zone and do stuff outside. ML is disabled, lost motivation to do rehab until he rekindled friendship with MC. They're on self-care atm, finding motivation to get better. I'm already at Ch38 and nothing is happening so I'm moving on. This story is a bit heavy and serious. I'm still unsure where MC's PTSD came from. As far as I know, some depressing events that happened to her was the death of her father who she is closer to (than mom) and being dumped by the boyfriend who later on is becoming a popular singer(?). MC seems to have a delicate mental state since she was a student.

  2. She has PTSD from a week of hell, won't give it way for spoiler. The trauma is real & after surviving people around MC made it worse by spreading gossip without knowing full facts or care about it being genuine. It's really bad.

  3. Ahh the novel was good and sweet it's so sweet how they helped each other is there difficult time and this kind of novel make my choice of bf so picky that after this 5 years I am still not interested in anyone. I wanted to read some extras for there wedding and children anyway this novel was cute for me.

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