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All the Protagonists I’ve Scummed Come To Me For Revenge

4.8 (30 reviews)
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Saya tidak ingin mati, saya ingin hidup, dan untuk itu, saya bisa melakukan apa saja.
——Xia Yu

Untuk mendapatkan nilai menghitam, Xia Yu bekerja mati-matian, menghitamkan satu demi satu pahlawan wanita.

Karena dia merasa itu tidak cukup menarik, setiap kali dia menambahkan drama pada dirinya sendiri, menyamar sebagai penjahat yang penyayang, dan akhirnya mati di depan pahlawan wanita untuk memberinya rangsangan terbesar, membuatnya gila dan menjadi iblis .


Xia Yu tidak mengambil hati para pahlawan wanita yang telah disakiti olehnya sampai suatu hari sistemnya berubah!

Dia dipaksa untuk kembali ke dunia yang telah dia lumpuhkan oleh dirinya sendiri, dan dipaksa untuk kembali ke depan para pahlawan wanita yang telah dihitamkan oleh dirinya sendiri.

Pemimpin bunga teratai putih / Gao Leng Xueba / gadis terlantar sekolah menengah / pendatang baru di tempat kerja / pengemis anjing setia / kaisar tiran: Haha!

Xia Yu: …

Tag konten: suka dan bunuh pakaian cepat
Kata kunci pencarian: Protagonis: Xia Yu Peran pendukung: Lainnya:
Satu kalimat pengantar: Anda harus tetap berada di garis depan sejak awal
Tujuan: Hidup ini penuh dengan harapan dan keajaiban

- Deskripsi dari MTLNovels


Judul Singkat:APISCTMFR
Judul Asli:被我渣过的主角都来找我报仇了
Author:Qingyue Glass
Weekly Rank:#4989
Monthly Rank:#4941
All Time Rank:#7276
Label:Ancient China, Cultivation, Female Protagonist, Modern World, Multiple Identities, Multiple POV, Obsessive Love, Possession, Possessive Characters, Quick Transmigration, System, Transmigrating, World Hopping,
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19 komentar pada “All the Protagonists I’ve Scummed Come To Me For Revenge
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  1. So if I'm understanding this right, the MC treated her initial quick transmigration missions like a game, not thinking of any of the worlds as real, and treated the people as NPCs. She did get points for blackening people, so that part wasn't entirely her fault. But she went overboard because she treated it all like a game, and now she has to face the result of her actions.

  2. Novel Summary I don’t want to die, I want to live, and for that, I can do anything. ——Xia Yu In order to obtain the blackening value, Xia Yu worked frantically to death, blackening one heroine after another. Because she felt that it was not exciting enough, every time she added drama to herself, disguised herself as an affectionate villain, and finally died in front of the heroine to give her the greatest stimulation, making her crazy and become a devil. ------------- The summary explains it

  3. Haha! Love the concept. Basically a marysue style protagonist did what a lot of transmigrated do when they know they are in a quick transmigration, and went around doing stuff as if it had no consequence. … and now she has to go back and face the consequences lolololol

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